Human Design Transformed My Life

 This modality has brought me back to a place I call home, and I am here to share that same light with you

Work With Me

Before Human Design, I was a typical bitter Projector.

I spent my energy on everyone but myself and never realized I was living out of a conditioned state. I invested in myself to help heal my energy from early childhood trauma but it wasn’t until Human Design that I was able to accept myself through the process of healing.




A 3/5 Splenic Projector, who is wildly passionate about delivering this modality to you in a simple and digestible way. I have been Reading charts for three years now and continue to immerse myself in studies that help me develop the knowledge and tools that I can bring back to you guys.


"It was like Brandi helped me to build a scaffolding that I can continue to build my conscious awareness and higher expressions upon."

If you are ready to learn how to "live" more of your Human Design in your day-to-day life, I highly recommend you consider the coaching program that Brandi offers. Why? Human Design is so layered and nuanced; it can sometimes be hard to see how our design is playing out in our own lives. Almost as if we are just too close to the subject matter to be able to see it consistently enough to manifest the positive aspects of our design. Having sessions dedicated to doing just that is a complete and total GAME CHANGER. Brandi has a way of sensing and seeing how Human Design plays into your story, your patterns, and the places where you may be shut down, frustrated, fearful, or blocked. Her wisdom helps it expand, so you can begin the process of collaboratively knowing and understanding your design. Once you have this, you can begin to find its higher expression and your action steps to claiming those aspects of your life. The email connections in between sessions are invaluable because they allow for continued connection and learning. Throughout this process, it begins to ingrain into how you begin to see your patterns and your life as a whole. For me, it was like Brandi helped me to build a scaffolding that I can continue to build my conscious awareness and higher expressions upon. So much gratitude for Human Design, but even more gratitude for Brandi and what she is bringing to the emersion and integration process.


"It has been a long time since I have felt this positive and am looking forward to continuing to feel this satisfaction all thanks to you!"

The reading yesterday was totally energizing for me. It has been a long time since I have felt this positive and am looking forward to continuing to feel this satisfaction all thanks to you! Plus diving in the details of Human Design so will be scheduling a follow-up. You are a treasure!


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