#10 Projector Sensitivities, Changing Viewpoints, and Parenting Outside the Box with Tangie Nadimi

Join us for our latest podcast episode, where Tangie and I explore the fascinating world of Human Design. In this enlightening conversation, we unravel the essence of being a hyper-sensitive Projector, navigate food sensitivities related to the Throat Center, and discuss how our unique Human Design profiles shape our sensitivities and interactions.


Additionally, we explore effective approaches to handle Root Pressure, the profound transformation from mere desire to authentic need, and the continuous journey of self-reflection and liberation from conditioning. We'll also share our collective experiences with the Open Solar Plexus and its pivotal role in the deconditioning process.


Furthermore, we'll uncover how Human Design can be a guiding compass in understanding and nurturing our children. Tangie will also share her unconventional parenting philosophy and the remarkable harmony it has brought to her family life. Be sure not to miss this captivating conversation that could reshape your perspective on yourself and your relationships. Join us for this enlightening episode today!


Tangie Nadimi




Brandi Yates

